About me

I am Ted Lu, a 16-year-old student with high interest in computer science and biomedicine from New Taipei, Taiwan. I am looking for opportunities to explore more on medical informatics and computer vision.

With the high ability of self learning, I've practiced several skills and abilities among the field of computer informatics., and participated in several research projects. My recent studies focus on medical image analysis, imaging modalities including MRI, CT, EEG, X-ray, OCT, etc., and diseases such as brain tumor, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and more.

I have quite a few experiences in hardware development, including sensor engineering and wireless communication. My studies during 2018-2020 were focused on ESP8266/ESP32 communication frameworks, edge computing system optimization, etc. The experience enables me with the ability to use various programming languages and systems such as Python, C/C++, JavaScript, Linux and DBMS, etc.

During my spare time, I also participate in several open source communities such as g0v.tw, CourseAPI, Sch001, etc., where I bring the ability of issue analysis and project management into various open source projects.

Current Roles

  1. Committee Member

    Youth Advisory Committee, K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education

  2. Scientist Intern

    Appier Inc.

  3. Research Student

    Institute of Biomedical Sciences (IBMS), Academia Sinica (N123 Lab)

  4. Research Assistant

    Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering, National Taiwan University (Dr. Jie-Fan Chang Lab)

  5. Project Manager/Data Engineer

    CourseAPI: Integrated Search Engine for Open Courses

  6. Founder / Data Engineer

    Taiwan Open Education Development Unit

  7. Community Contributor

    g0v.tw Community

  8. Technical Advisor

    Several open source projects and communities


List of Events

  1. 伴伴學 X g0v EDU:大家一起聊教育創新


    伴伴學 Accomdemy

  2. 台灣開放教育推動團隊:建立國內 OCW 入口網頁


    SITCON 2021 閃電講

  3. 教育創新座談會


    YEN 雁博會

  4. Demo Day 2021-22 發表會


    g0v hackath48n 虎來俱進黑客松

  5. Ep.9 一起從「零」思考教育 w/ Bess, ichieh, analeigh


    g0v Underground 零時電台

  6. CourseAPI 開放式課程資訊匯流學院 w/ chewei


    COSCUP 2022 開源教育

  7. From Users to Contributors:踏上開源貢獻之路的初衷與故事 w/ ChAoS UnItY


    COSCUP 2022 開源新手村

  8. Open Source Deep Learning with Implementation of Architectures


    COSCUP 2022 Open Source AI

  9. 如何自學程式設計?


    g0v 零時小學校源力增能營

  10. CourseAPI:從去年閃電講到現在,我們做了什麼?


    SITCON 2022 閃電講

  11. 身為教育當事人,新生代如何改變教育? w/ 陳震宇, 瑾濂


    2022 均優學習論壇

  12. 學生該怎麼參與開源專案?


    開放文化基金會 X 弗里德里希諾曼自由基金會 X 台北市立大學 開放科技桌遊工作坊

  13. Deep Learning with PyTorch: From Beginner to Research


    PyCon HK x COSCUP 2022 Online Special Track

  14. 如何運用課餘時間:從國中校園走入社群協作專案


    g0v 零時小學校 2023 源力增能營開幕式

  15. CourseAPI: Integrated Open Course Search Engine


    COSCUP 2023 Open Education

  16. Keynote: 學術研究與自主學習經驗談


    JSP 國中科學探究聯合發表會

  17. 科技自主探索歷程:在科技教育所看見的現況



  18. Keynote: 身為高中生的研究與科技學習之路





  1. Committee Member

    04/2024 - Present

    Youth Advisory Committee, K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education

  2. Scientist Intern

    11/2023 - Present

    Appier Inc.

  3. Research Student

    06/2023 - Present

    Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica

  4. Research Assistant

    09/2022 - Present

    Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering, National Taiwan University (Dr. Jie-Fan Chang Lab)

  5. Project Manager/Data Engineer

    07/2021 - Present

    CourseAPI: Integrated Search Engine for Open Courses

  6. Founder/Data Engineer

    06/2021 - Present

    Taiwan Open Education Development Unit


  1. Community Contributor

    05/2021 - Present


  2. Volunteer

    05/2022 - Present

    Open Culture Foundation

  3. Agenda Team

    06/2023 - 08/2023

    HITCON 2023

  4. Co-Founder & General Coordinator

    04/2023 - 09/2023

    CISCON 2023

  5. General Coordinator of Open Education Track

    03/2023 - 08/2023

    COSCUP 2023

  6. Conference Streaming

    06/2021 - 08/2021

    COSCUP 2021

  7. Writer/Podcast Producer

    03/2021 - 08/2021

    Init KaoBei Engineer

  8. Technical Advisor

    Several open source projects and communities


  1. TQC+ Professional Python Programming Diploma

    Computer Skills Foundation | Full score | Dec 2019
  2. TQC+ Professional C Programming Diploma

    Computer Skills Foundation | Full score | May 2020
  3. TOEIC Blue Certificate

    Listening and Reading Test | 800/990 | 2020
  4. Certified Gifted and Talented in Science & Mathematics

    New Taipei City Department of Education


  1. 2024 Symposium of the Frontiers in Biomedical Magnetic Resonance

    Outstanding Poster Award | Taiwan Magnetic Resonance Society
  2. 2024 Taiwan International Science Fair

    Fourth Award | National Taiwan Science Education Center
  3. 2023 Becoming Aces Nomination

    Awardee | TLN Mediagene 2023 Becoming Aces Team
  4. 2022 Young Talent Intelligence Technology Camp

    High Distinction Award | National Taiwan Science Education Center
  5. 2021-22 g0v Sch001 Demo Day

    Awarded Project | g0v Jothon
  6. 62nd National Primary & High School Science Fair (NPHSSF)

    3rd Place | Junior High School Group
  7. 2021 New Taipei City Primary & High School Science Fair

    High Distinction Award | Junior High School Group | Representative for National Fair
  8. 2021 New Taipei City English Speaking Contest

    Excellence Award | Junior High School Group
  9. 2020 New Taipei City Primary & High School Science Fair

    Excellence Award | Junior High School Group
  10. 2019 New Taipei City Elementary School Gifted and Talented Education Program Individual Research Joint Presentation

    Excellence Award


  1. Taipei Digital Experimental High School (T-School)

    2023 - Present
  2. New Taipei Municiple Yonghe Junior High School

    2020 - 2023
Download CV
